Capture lead from external websites (Web to Lead) in Dynamics 365 CRM using ZapObjects – Email Parser App

Many online businesses have web forms that visitors fill-in such as contact forms, registration forms, survey forms etc. Ideally those leads out to come in to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM automatically. However that may not be the case always.

You may be receiving an automated email whenever your prospect fills in the website form. Then you would have to get in to the process of painstakingly copying and pasting data in to your CRM!

How can Zap Email Parser App help?

Zap Email Parser App can automatically extract this information to create Lead, Case or any other entity record in your Dynamics 365 CRM.

Let’s consider a sample new lead email that you receive when someone fills in the “Contact Us” form on your website:

Full Name: Nick Cary
Company: Zip Mart
Job Title: Sales Manager
Phone: 571-353-8437
Country: United States
City: Herndon
Requested Demo: Yes
Comments: We need help in setting up Helpdesk App using Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Service module
How did you hear about us: Microsoft Appsource

To extract this information to a new lead in CRM using Zap Email Parser App, you will need to create a configuration and add few parsing rules.

A Parsing Rule is a collection of simple instructions which tell our algorithm what kind of data you want to pull out from your emails. Typically you’ll create multiple parsing rules, one for each data field inside your email (e.g. customer name, company etc.).

Sample parsing rule to extract the field “Company name” and populate field would be as follows:
Destination Entity: Lead
Destination Field: Company
Data Source: Email Body
Start Position: Text Match After
Start Position Text: Company:
End Position: End of Line
For more detailed explanation of parsing rules refer Zap Email Parser App knowledgebase.

Once you setup the parsing rules, all emails received would automatically be parsed to create new leads in CRM. No more manual data-entry!

New updates from Zap Objects (Nov, 2018):

Zap Objects has now introduced “All-in-One” annual subscription plan.

This plan covers licenses for all Dynamics 365 CRM Apps provided by Zap Objects. For more details regarding plan benefits and coverage, refer:

To explore all our apps, refer:

Feel free to email for any questions.


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