Zap Notifications Generator (In-App, Push, Email, Form)
Generate Notifications in-bulk: onDemand OR based on Trigger OR based on Recurring Pattern! (In-App + Push + Email + Form Notifications)
Zap Notifications Generator App can generate:
- In-App (Bell Notifications)
- Push Notifications (New feature released – Oct 2023)
- Email Notifications
- Form Notifications
Let’s first get the terminology correct! Below shows the different notification types:
Bell Notifications are displayed in top-right corner when bell icon is clicked.
Below screenshot shows some sample Bell Notifications:
Form Notifications are usually displayed on the form when user opens a record!
There are 2 types of Form Notifications :
1. Fixed Form Notification: This type of Notification can be added to any Dynamics 365 record and shows up when the record form is opened. These are static in nature.
E.g Displaying a message “The account is on credit-hold. Please contact finance team for more info.”
2. Conditional Form Notification: This type of Notification can also show up when a Dynamics 365 record form is opened. The only difference in comparison to fixed Notification is that… these are dynamic in nature… Here you specify conditions and only if the condition matches the record being opened will the Notification be shown!
E.g. Show on-going discounts for all open opportunity records with Estimated Revenue greater than $5000 during the sale period!
Push Notifications:
Push Notifications allow you to send instant messages directly to User’s Mobile. Please note that the user needs to have Power-Apps App installed in their mobile. This functionality has just been released (Oct 23):
Product Features
Generate Bell, Push , Email Notifications in bulk (for multiple Users/Teams)
Generate Form Notifications (displayed inline in form or as pop-up)
Generate Notifications using Power Automate/ Workflow
Generate Notifications based on onDemand, triggers or based on recurring pattern
No need to worry about creating complicated JSON data for generating Notification
Token Generator Helper provided for using merge fields within the Notification Text
Allow Users to set personal preferences for which notifications to be shown
Detailed event logging for easy trouble-shooting of any issue
Recent Updates
Generate Push Notifications (Oct 23 Release)
Support for sending In-App Notification when User/s are mentioned in a Post (link)
Feature Highlight #1: Generate Notifications in Bulk for All / Selected Users
Feature Highlight #1: Generate Notifications in Bulk for All / Selected Users

Feature Highlight #2: Few Sample In-App Notifications Generated using Zap Notifications Generator App
Feature Highlight #2: Few Sample In-App Notifications Generated using Zap Notifications Generator App

Feature Highlight #3: Allow Users to enable/disable certain Notifications
Feature Highlight #3: Allow Users to enable/disable certain Notifications

Feature Highlight #4: Generate Push Notifications
Feature Highlight #4: Generate Push Notifications

Feature Highlight #5: Another Sample Notification Use Case: Notify User when they are mentioned in a Post
Feature Highlight #5: Another Sample Notification Use Case: Notify User when they are mentioned in a Post

Feature Highlight #6: Generate Notifications based on Triggers from Power Automate (eg Case Assignment Notification to Case Owner)
Feature Highlight #6: Generate Notifications based on Triggers from Power Automate (eg Case Assignment Notification to Case Owner)

Feature Highlight #7: Generate Notifications based on Recurring Schedule (e.g. Timesheet Reminder every Friday)
Feature Highlight #7: Generate Notifications based on Recurring Schedule (e.g. Timesheet Reminder every Friday)

Feature Highlight #8: Generate Notifications based on Recurring Schedule (e.g. When Opportunity is approaching Est. Close Date)
Feature Highlight #8: Generate Notifications based on Recurring Schedule (e.g. When Opportunity is approaching Est. Close Date)

Feature Highlight #9: Use Token Generator Helper for inserting record field values within the Notification message
Feature Highlight #9: Use Token Generator Helper for inserting record field values within the Notification message

Feature Highlight #10: Pop-Up Notification immediately to User (uses Thunder Notification)
Feature Highlight #10: Pop-Up Notification immediately to User (uses Thunder Notification)

Feature Highlight #11: Form Notifications (Can be displayed Inline and / or as Pop-Up)
Feature Highlight #11: Form Notifications (Can be displayed Inline and / or as Pop-Up)

Feature Highlight #12: Creating Conditional Form Notification
Feature Highlight #12: Creating Conditional Form Notification

General FAQ
Yes, all our Zap Apps come with a 15-day trial. Please note that there is no functional difference between trial and licensed version.
Download and install the app solution file. Browse to Zap Apps >> Zap License to open the license registeration page (Refresh the page, if “Zap Apps” is not visible in sitemap). Fill-in the details and click “Register” button.
This will automatically start your 15-day trial. Feel free to email if you have any questions.
You can purhcase any of Zap Apps from our online store. If you have already taken the trial then just let us know your CRM organization name and we will activate the trial to paid license online (no need to uninstall and reinstall the solution).
If you have not yet installed the solution in production then proceed with installation and registeration… once done let us know the CRM organization name.
All our apps are licensed by user-tier which is based on the total number of enabled CRM Users. To find the enabled CRM users, browse to Settings >> Security >> Users and change the view to Enabled Users.
Zap Objects offers few apps as free for commercial use. In-order to get your free license, register the license profile online. (Refer licensing KB articles for more info)
Zap Notifications Generator FAQ
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