We have all heard about Email-to-Case requirement and how Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM can help…however what about Email-to-Lead. I am sure that some of you would have stumbled across this idea too!

There are various use-cases where Email-to-Lead functionality can be beneficial. Some of these use-cases are as follows:

Use Case 1: Most of the companies have a generic sales email address set-up (e.g. sales@zapobjects.com) to which people can send sales related enquires. Wouldn’t you like these enquiries to be added automatically to Dynamics 365 CRM as leads?

Use Case 2: Many sales people work on gathering leads for their organization. In normal scenario, the user needs to log-in to Dynamics 365 CRM to create a lead. This could be a little time consuming for busy people :). (I am sure you would argue that Outlook app also allows creating leads but again that is a little slow)…

Both the above use-cases can be easily achieved by Email-to-lead functionality using Zap Email Parser App!

All you got to do is send an email to Dynamics 365 CRM with lead details in below format (this is again completely configurable):

First Name: Nick
Last Name: Cary
Email: ncary@zipmart.com
Company: Zip Mart
Topic: Interested in Zap Helpdesk App
Lead source: Trade show
Desc: Nick wants to automate their email based support process and is very interested in our helpdesk app.

Note: The App can extract email address (ncary@zipmart.com) from an email body (as above) or even from email header i.e. sender email address (this would be useful when you have setup your sales mailbox (sales@zapobjects.com) to receive sales enquires… Zap Email Parser would automatically retrieve the sender’s email address and create a lead!)

To extract the information from email, Zap Email Parser allows you to set-up parsing rules.

A Parsing Rule is a collection of simple instructions which tells our algorithm what kind of data you want to pull out from your emails. Typically you’ll create multiple parsing rules, one for each data field inside your email (e.g. customer name, company etc.). Refer screenshot below:

Once you setup the parsing rules, all emails received would automatically be parsed to create new leads in CRM. No more manual data-entry!