When we set-up email-to-case in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, then all emails received at the support queue will automatically get converted to cases.

Most of the companies use support@mycompany.com as the support email address. You would have observed that this support email address receives spam emails all the time. Spam is a major productivity problem everywhere, but in the support centre, you can’t treat it as aggressively and risk false-positives — losing a legitimate customer email would be very bad. At the same-time you would not like to waste time over cases which got created from spam emails.

How Zap Helpdesk – Email to Case App eliminates spam cases from being created?

Zap Helpdesk –  Email to Case App provides enhanced helpdesk capabilities and works natively from within Dynamics 365 CRM. The App has built-in mechanisms to detect spam emails and stop creation of case from them.

These are as follows:

Spam Subject Filter: Before creating a new case, the app searches for known keywords like “spam”, “undeliverable”, “Out of Office”, “No reply”, “Delivery Failure”, etc (these can be configured in the spam filter settings). If any of these keywords is found in email subject then the case will not be created.

Exclude Email Addresses: This is a list of email addresses which you can exclude from getting converted to cases. If you frequently receive email notifications from certain systems all the time then you could add those email addresses to this list.
Before creating a new case, the app first validates the senders email against this list…and if a match is found then case is not created.

Exclude Domains: This is a list of email domains which you can exclude from getting converted to cases. Before creating a new case, the app validates the senders domain with this list… and if a match is found then the case is not created.

No mechanism is fool-proof and will not eliminate spam up to 100 percent… however the above mechanisms can help in reducing the spam cases (up to 90%) from getting created in your CRM. Zap Helpdesk – Email to Case App has been built with many years of experience and can help in making your support process very efficient!