Zap Helpdesk – Email to Case App enhances and extends the out-of-box standard email to case functionality.

The App provides multiple options for assigning cases automatically on creation (from email-to-case). You can either hand pick support agents who are experts in their domain and assign them cases automatically or configure smart rules to assign cases when they meet the filters set by you.

Below are the available options:

Option 1: Case assignment based on set default user or team
You can select a default user or team in the configuration section. All cases created (from email-to-case) from a particular queue will be assigned to this selected user/queue.

Option 2: Case assignment based on preferred agent
The Account / Contact entity has a field called “Preferred User”. This field allows selecting a CRM user as a preferred user. If this option is enabled in Zap email-to-case settings, then the app would dynamically pick the preferred user from the account/contact of the Case.Customer and assign the case ownership. This can be useful if you have dedicated support users for particular Customers.

Option 3: Case Assignment based on Smart Rules
You can configure smart rules to automatically assign cases based on particular filter criteria. The filter criteria can be based on either keywords or sender email address as shown below:

Smart Rule based on matching keywords: Here, you can create a rule with certain keywords, which if present in incoming email body or subject will result in auto-assignment of the created case to a particular CRM user or team.

Example 1: if incoming email subject / body contains keywords like “helpdesk”, “email to case” then automatically assign the case to user Sam Cary.

Example 2: if incoming email subject / body contains keywords like “return”, “refund”, “exchange” then automatically assign the case to “High priority” Queue.

Smart Rule based on sender email address: If you have certain group of customers who have a preferred user for providing support then you can configure that using a smart rule.

Example: If the sender email address domain is “” then automatically assign the case to user Sam Cary.

You can create multiple smart rules. The rules have a field called priority in which you can enter a numeric value. The rules will be executed based on their priority number ordered from highest to lowest.

The above case assignment techniques can be configured in Zap Helpdesk- Email to Case App Settings section by the administrator. There is one more technique for case assignment…difference being that this one can be specified by Customer.

This is called as “Option 4Case assignment based on User-Macro“.

Case can be automatically assigned to a user based on user-macro as specified in email subject.

Example: to assign the newly created case (from email-to-case) to user Sam Cary (…the email subject needs to have the user macro as shown below:

Original Email Subject: need help in importing leads in CRM
Modified Email Subject 1: need help in importing leads in CRM
Modified Email Subject 2: need help in importing leads in CRM @@sam

When a new case is created using Zap Email-to-Case App, then the owner would automatically be assigned to user Sam Cary by extracting the user macro details from email subject.

We can observe the following points from above example: @@USERMACRO
1. @@ is the marker which tells the app that a user macro has been added in email subject. This marker text : “@@” can be changed in the configuration section if needed.
2. The extracted text (USERMACRO) is matched with a User email address in following order:
a. Direct match with user email. Here “=” query is used.
b. If no match found in (a) then best match with user email. Here “like” query is used. Here “like” query is used…so you don’t need to enter complete email address…partial email address will also do…eg @@sam

Please note that case assignment based on user-macro (which is normally specified by Customer), over-rides all other case assignment techniques. For detailed use-case, refer link.

The above case assignment techniques will help you automate your case assignment process, reduce clutter and have your cases actioned faster!

For a free trial, download and install Zap Helpdesk – Email to Case App from below link: